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Content Marketing Strategy Development

The Handy Copywriting team can help you develop a comprehensive content marketing strategy to reach your target audience and achieve your business goals. We will work with you to identify your target audience, create a content calendar, and develop a plan for distributing and promoting your content.

Small Business Marketing Templates: A Word…Or Two

Have you ever heard the saying, “Don’t reinvent the wheel”? Well, you don’t have to when it comes to designing small business marketing. A good small business marketing template can get you moving in the right direction. Templates come in reusable text, fill-in-the-blank sheets or in a checklist of steps you can take. The top […]

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How To Write Marketing Copy, Part 2

Yesterday I introduced you to the idea of using the promise-picture-proof-push structure for producing effective marketing copy. You learned that your promise tells potential customers what’s in it for them, and the picture makes your promise real using mental imagery. Now I’m going to give you the other two elements: proof and push. Proof Proof […]

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How To Write Marketing Copy , Part 1

If you’re like many business owners I talk to, you have a hard time writing effective marketing copy to sell your product or service. You understand that your business value is measured by how well people respond to the marketing messages you send out. You also know that consistently conveying the significance of what you […]

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