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Content Marketing Strategy Development

The Handy Copywriting team can help you develop a comprehensive content marketing strategy to reach your target audience and achieve your business goals. We will work with you to identify your target audience, create a content calendar, and develop a plan for distributing and promoting your content.

Earth Day: A Lesson On Publicity In Marketing

Do you like the idea of getting free or low-cost exposure for your business? Yes!? Well, you should think about using public relations as a marketing channel. But when it comes to publicity, Rule #1 is: Be Newsworthy! Take Earth Day, for example. On April 22, people worldwide celebrate the day to arouse awareness about […]

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What Is A Unique Selling Proposition?

Is your product or service unique? How does it benefit potential buyers? A unique selling proposition (USP) tells what’s exceptional and useful about your product or service. If you don’t have one, you risk sending messages that become lost in a sea of sameness. Most marketers define a USP as follows: • It has a […]

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“Which copywriting services are vital to small business success?”

To answer this question, you the business owner will have to determine which marketing tactics bring you maximum ‘bang for your buck’. Here’s a resource that can help. In his book, “The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business with Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies,” Chet Holmes gives small business owners Seven Musts of Marketing […]

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