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Why Most Marketing Copy Stinks

There are two reasons. NUMBER 1: The opening is fuzzy. And how do you know that it is? Perhaps you’re engaging in small talk. Well, your marketing isn’t the place for small talk. Small talk loses readers. Lost readers bring low response. Or maybe your point is unclear. But get this…you should be persuading people […]

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Buyer’s Remorse

The awful feeling a buyer gets when they regret a purchase… It’s when they realize that the hair tonic they may have bought won’t make them look like Rapunzel. After buying the product, it suddenly becomes unexciting. Although happy with the purchase initially in one sense, (it is made of proven scalp-stimulating herbs), suddenly s/he […]

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‘Plug and Play’ to Attract a Critical Mass of Customers

What’s the key to attracting a cache of paying customers? It’s copywriting! Persuasive copy drives winning marketing. I mean, how else can a reader connect with your message? Think about it. And the moment that you place copy into a solid marketing method, you begin to own a formula for repeat success. Speaking of marketing […]

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