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Online Survey: Why Your Small Business Needs One

When asked, most business experts will say that small businesses fail due to three “Ms”: money, management and marketing. Marketing is the “M” that provides ways to keep customers flowing into your business. Marketing fails, however, when not used to create and launch new demand-driven products, while keeping existing products profitable. Let us say that […]

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Read This If You Want To Grow Your Business

Have you ever watched a garden grow? Then you know the cornucopia of multicolored pleasure that flowers can bring. And just like a garden filled with treasure flowers, golden lilies, or money tree plants, your business should have a treasure trove of marketing copy, as valuable as gold, bringing money into your business. Most experts […]

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Why Trust Matters In Marketing

If you want the trust of potential customers, then you obviously value truth. How do I know this? Because people cannot make choices they’ll be happy with unless the decision-making data they are given is truthful and accurate. This is the point where marketing matters. If a potential customer ends up choosing the product you […]

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