Discussion about a b2b marketing funnel issue

Why Your B2B Marketing Funnel Falls Short—and How to Fix It

In the world of B2B marketing, having a well-optimized sales funnel is crucial for turning leads into loyal clients. One key element to making your B2B marketing funnel effective is the quality of your marketing copy.

If your copy isn’t hitting the mark, your funnel could be leaking potential business opportunities. Let’s explore why most marketing copy falls short and how to fix it to enhance your B2B marketing funnel.

#1: The opening is fuzzy.

And how do you know that it is? Perhaps you’re engaging in small talk. Well, your marketing isn’t the place for small talk. Small talk loses readers. Lost readers bring low response.

Or maybe your point is unclear. But get this…you should be persuading people to reply.

Make your reason for reading difficult to miss.

Quickly communicate what you want to say. Your reader has only one thought in mind: “What’s in it for me?”

In a B2B context, it’s crucial to address business needs directly. Business clients are often looking for specific solutions to their challenges, so your marketing copy should immediately highlight how your product or service addresses these needs.

Get to the point.

#2: The ending spurs no action.

Tell your reader how to respond.

When you close, be persuasive and authoritative, and repeat the reasons why your prospect should reply.

If a reader reaches the end of your marketing copy and fails to reply, this is no good. I mean, you did get them to read to the end. It’s time to make the sell.

For B2B marketing, the call to action should cater to decision-makers. Instead of a simple “buy now,” you might use a “schedule a demo” or “request a consultation” call to action. B2B clients often need more information and a personal touch before making a decision, so your closing should reflect that.

Don’t end weak.

When you sit down to write your marketing copy, you want to make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons—to make a sale or get a response.

So increase your chances of getting the action you want by writing an effective open and close.

Optimize Each Stage of Your Funnel


In B2B marketing funnels, each stage requires a tailored approach. Your opening should immediately address pain points relevant to businesses and clearly present your value proposition. Similarly, your closing should focus on actionable steps that cater to the decision-making process within businesses, such as offering a detailed proposal or setting up a meeting with key stakeholders.

To your sales success,



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  1. Hi Tanya,

    Excellent tips! And if it’s an email you’re writing, the subject line is your “opening”. Mess up on that and your email won’t even be opened, let alone read.

    Thanks for sharing!

    (@mywebgal #blog30)

  2. Three more reasons a lot of marketing copy stinks:

    1. It hasn’t been proofread. I can’t count the number of handouts and e-ads (paid periodical ads seem to do better) I’ve seen that are loaded with typos. NOT good for a conscientious professional image.

    2. It’s full of technical jargon. Most potential customers don’t work for your industry, and they’ll toss an ad the second they see a word they don’t recognize.

    3. It’s self-centered. No one wants to do business with you simply to help you maintain your high position in the industry–or to save you from bankruptcy.

    1. Heeeeyyy Katherine – Thanks for the comment. I appreciate the addition. And, it’s good to hear from you.

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