Digital Marketing for B2B IT: Close Deals Faster

As a marketing manager in charge of digital marketing for B2B, you use digital marketing to sell IT products or services. It can be tough to get businesses to agree to buy nowadays. Sales processes may be taking longer. This doesn’t necessarily mean that other businesses don’t want to buy from you, however. It could just be that they need more information before they feel confident enough to make a purchase.

To give potential customers the information they need to close deals faster, optimize your existing marketing content. Also consider incorporating new digital tools and tactics.

4 Ways To Improve Your B2B Marketing Results

A graphic showing content types and tactics in a B2B digital marketing strategy
A visual representation of the content/tactics in a B2B digital marketing strateg

Here are some specific steps you can take:

  1. One digital marketing tactic that still works is to use email marketing to stay in touch with your customers and build strong relationships with them. This allows you to directly target and engage with potential customers who may be interested in your products or services. This can include sending out newsletters or updates about new products or services. It’s important to make sure you customize your messages to each recipient so they feel special and valued.
  2. Expand your marketing efforts by creating additional content for newsletters, articles, press releases, and social media. A good copywriter can help you develop these materials. Make sure to incorporate relevant keywords and phrases related to your industry, such as “cloud computing” or “IT security.”
  3. According to Hubspot, 82% of marketers say they repurpose content across social media channels. This demonstrates the widespread adoption of social media use in the B2B space. This also suggests that businesses not already repurposing on social media may be missing an important opportunity.
  4. Use digital marketing tactics such as B2B lead generation and B2B content marketing to reach potential customers.  In addition to creating ads on LinkedIn, B2B content marketing can also involve publishing valuable, informative articles on your company’s blog or guest posting on industry-relevant websites. This helps to establish your company as a thought leader in your field and can lead to increased brand awareness and potential customer leads. According to the Content Marketing Institute’s B2B Content Marketing 2020 report, 88% of B2B marketers use content marketing as part of their overall marketing strategy.  Further, B2B content marketing generates three times as many leads as outbound marketing and costs 62% less, according to the same report.

Ensure Your B2B Website Answers Readers Questions

Now that you’ve assessed your B2B digital marketing content, have you ever looked at your website and thought it could be better? Maybe there are some things you could change or update to make it more helpful for your customers. One thing to think about is how you’re explaining the benefits of your products and services. Make sure you’re clearly telling people why they should buy from you. You should also show any special certifications or awards your company has obtained, because this can make your organization look more professional and trustworthy.

Here’s something important to remember: a lot of people do research online before they decide to buy something. In fact, a study by MarketingCharts found that about 52% of B2B buyers say they’re “definitely” more likely to buy from a brand once they’ve read their content. This is why it’s so important to have a strong online presence and give people the information they need to make a good decision. By reviewing your website and making it better, you’ll be able to reach more customers and make more sales.

In conclusion,  you can follow these steps to improve the performance of your existing marketing content library and utilize digital tools and tactics to help move potential customers toward closing the deal. Whether you’re selling cloud-based software solutions or IT consulting services, these strategies can help you reach and engage with potential customers in the B2B space.

Don’t miss out on our free tip sheet on digital marketing for B2B IT companies! Click here to download it now and learn more about how you can close deals faster and more effectively.

To your B2B marketing success,


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